VinE stands for Victorians in Europe, a VJC alumni society. I have the honour of going to Bath with appoximately 50 Victorians (some imposers, crashers and spies from other JCs).
We set off from Imperial College Beit Quad at roughly 7.30am. I was slightly more than an hour early, waiting at Gloucester Underground station waiting for everyone else to come and walk me to the meeting point.
It was a long journey on an atas coach. I was happy to meet Singaporeans and speak in a language that people understand me without having to deliberately fake up an accent or explain too much.
As some of you might already know, I am the only Singaporean in my uni, so I am always more than keen to join activities organised by the Singapore societies.
Cut away the crap and let me bring you straight to Bath.
Royal Crescent
Beautiful view from Pulteney Bridge
Bath Abbey in the background and Roman Bath in the foreground.
VinE stands for Victorians in Europe, a VJC alumni society. I have the honour of going to Bath with appoximately 50 Victorians (some imposers, crashers and spies from other JCs). get more vine followers