About Me

This is my first year in London doing my BMus Year 3 in Kingston University. This blog is about my life in Kingston, London and all the wonderful discoveries I have found out about London and the cities around it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tower of London

 As promised, I present to you, Tower of London~

How to get there: Tower Hill underground station

Tower of London should actually be called Towers of London because there are actually many towers inside.

I would presume the highlight for every visitor would be the crown jewels inside the tower on the left (above). I don't know if I had too high expectations, but I was rather disappointed. I was expecting a sea of jewels blinding my eyes. It didn't seem to be the case. We followed round and round watching videos, reading information, looking at swords. It was only towards the end that we finally saw some jewels. Of course, they were marvellous. But too few to feel the 'shiok-ness' or satisfaction, in proper English.

To represent of the pillows which cushioned the falling heads after the sword swifts down...

The toilet - a hole with a slope beneath sending ur waste sliding down and maybe landing on the ground with a loud 'thud' (or 'squish'?) ok, I am getting too explicit. But please don't relieve yourself there; it is really just for show.

The armour really does protect important parts as well. Ok, I shan't be describing too much again.

If you have the time and money, I do highly recommend a trip to Tower of London~

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